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Next Steps
for Fiction Writers

Coaching for every writing stage.

writer's desk with typewriter and notebook

Image courtesy of

What are your Next Steps?

Writing a story is a huge task.

It is multi-layered and complex.

You don't have to navigate it alone.

There is help to plan through the idea stage of your story.

There is help to polish and strengthen your first draft.

There is help to publish your completed work.​​

Wherever you are at, there are next steps for you.

writer taking handwritten notes

Author Accelerator Certified
Book Coach

A book coach is a helper trained in project management, fiction writing craft, editing skills and emotional support. Just like an athlete, a writer can be coached on the social, emotional and intellectual parts of writing a novel.

I meet you where you are and guide you where you want to go.

Certificatied book coach badge FICTION.png

Let's talk about your next step ...

Which of the three options below best describes where you are in your writing journey?
Click on that button to see how a book coach can guide your next steps.

I have a great story idea ... what's next?

typewriter for plotting

Maybe you have voices in your head, or chase scenes in your mind ... or at the very least you have a great idea for a story. But how do you start? Is your great idea enough for

a great book?

I'm stuck in the
middle ... what's next?

typewriter for editing

Maybe your story took off with a bang but now you're stuck in the mangled middle. Everything slows down as you navigate what's next. How do you get back on track?

I'm finished writing ... what's next?

Typewriter for publishing

Maybe you've spent weeks, months or even years putting word after word on the page until you typed the magical words 'The End'. But is it good or great? Is it sellable?

What's next?

Stack of Books

Not sure? Let's Talk

A FREE 30 minute discovery call to see how a book coach can guide your next steps. No obligations pressure.

Thanks for submitting!

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